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Hardest Sudoku Puzzle Ever Solved

Sudoku, a fascinating numbers puzzle originating from Japan, has captured the hearts and minds of many around the world. But among the plethora of puzzles available, one stands above the rest in terms of difficulty. Dubbed the “Hardest Sudoku Puzzle Ever Solved,” this enigmatic grid has pushed even the most adept solvers to their limits.

History of the Hardest Sudoku Puzzle

The creation of the hardest Sudoku puzzle is attributed to Arto Inkala, a Finnish mathematician and puzzle enthusiast. In 2006, Inkala set out to design a puzzle that would challenge the top-tier Sudoku solvers. What emerged was a grid so complex that it required over 500 hours of computer time to verify its uniqueness and level of difficulty.

Features That Make It Incredibly Challenging

To understand why this puzzle is so difficult, we must look at its unique features:

  • Minimal Clues: Traditional Sudoku puzzles provide a fair number of initial clues. However, the hardest Sudoku puzzle has very few given numbers, requiring solvers to fill in more blanks.
  • Advanced Techniques: The puzzle necessitates the use of advanced solving techniques such as X-Wing, Swordfish, and Nishio.
  • High Number of Constraints: Due to the minimal initial clues, each move must be meticulously planned and executed, adhering to multiple constraints.

Steps to Solve the Hardest Sudoku Puzzle

Solving the hardest Sudoku puzzle ever solved requires an arsenal of strategies and unwavering patience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to tackle it:

  1. Basic Elimination: Begin by filling in obvious numbers using basic elimination methods.
  2. Candidates Lists: Create lists of possible candidates for each cell.
  3. Advanced Techniques Application: Use advanced techniques like X-Wing and Swordfish to narrow down possibilities.
  4. Trial and Error: Sometimes, you will need to guess and test various combinations to progress further.
  5. Verification: Ensure that each row, column, and sub-grid contains all digits from 1 to 9 exactly once.

Tools and Resources

For those who are determined to conquer this puzzle, various tools and resources can be helpful:

Resource Description
Sudoku Solver Tools Online tools that can assist in verifying steps or providing hints.
Sudoku Books Books that explain advanced techniques and offer practice puzzles.
Online Communities Forums and groups where enthusiasts discuss strategies and share tips.


The hardest Sudoku puzzle ever solved is not just a test of logical prowess but also a testament to the extraordinary capabilities of human problem-solving. By understanding its history, recognizing its challenges, and employing a strategic approach, even the toughest puzzles can be unraveled. So, gather your wits and dive into the intricate world of Sudoku—you might just surprise yourself!